Multimedia technology is one of the fastest growing areas of computing. Most of the computers in the retail outlets are "multimedia ready". Multimedia will grow into one of the largest retail markets in history by the end of the century. - but it's days are numbered.
By 2025, the CD will be as out-of-date as Plato's toga. The reason for this will be that it is uneconomical and inefficient to distribute digital information on physical media. Within the next few decades all digital information will be shared and used via wireless computing. From today's dozen or so wireless service providers will emerge one or two Microsoft's of the future.
However, as Yogi Berra used to say, "the future ain't what it used to be." For the immediate future, multimedia on CDROM offers more than can be found on the nets. So, EiC Joe Schmuller and I have decided to add a new feature to Cybernautica - a window on multimedia. Each month, we will feature some innovative multimedia offerings against which the cybermedia offerings in Berghel's URL Pearls may be compared. While cybermedia and multimedia represent different constituencies and interests at the moment, they will soon converge!
This month's features: